What We Believe

Our Mission Statement

The Oreland Evangelical Presbyterian Church exists and serves Jesus to EXALT God, EXPLAIN the Faith, EXPERIENCE life together in our neighborhoods, and EXTEND God's mission.

Our Statement of Faith

We believe that the Holy Scriptures are the Word of God and the only rule for faith and life. We acknowledge the inborn sinfulness of humanity, which separates people from God and one another. We believe that reconciliation to Almighty God only comes to individuals as each is drawn to God (John 6:44), repents of sin (Mark 1:15) and believes in God's only son, Jesus, as Savior and Lord (Romans 10:9).

We affirm that the sacrifice of Jesus by His death on the cross made full atonement for sin and, having risen from the dead, He reigns with the Father as Lord of life. As we await Christ's return in glory, we affirm that salvation and obedience to God not only prepares the believer for eternal life, but through the Holy Spirit, empowers us to love one another and bear witness to Jesus and His gospel, to the ends of the earth.



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